Wednesday, February 16, 2011


And tell me this...where did January go? For us it flew on by...a visit from my parent's, Luke's first birthday, a 50th Wedding Anniversary kept us on our toes! Here are some of the picture's from the month...

My parent's came to visit! Here they are with the kid's celebrating a late Christmas together.
Noah was dressed up for the party! In true Noah fashion, he is all dressed up, on the back of a trailer, checking out the construction site next door.
Oh and January also held Luke's first haircut! That is my niece in law cutting his hair, she is super sweet to Luke (and is a hairdresser) and graciously offered to cut it for us. So, how many people does it take to cut a baby's hair??
My parent's at the party. My mom did a fabulous job of organizing and arranging the flowers. And my Dad was gracious enough to take Noah from us!
Here are Kelly's parents cutting into their cake! They reenacted the whole thing, minus the smashing of the cake in each other's face, but they fed each other and kissed. For a long, long time. Yep they still have it after 50 years.

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