Friday, August 19, 2011

This week in the Cassaday household....

Another eventful week of: more potty training, throwing up at the doctor's office and pushing children into the pool.

Well potty training continues and it has been a successful week, hooray!! Noah is definitely a potty going master, as long as it's one and not the other. The other still get's smeared around the house but Kelly, my very optimistic hubby, say's 'at least we didn't replace the old carpet!' And I have to agree because as I scrub the stains out I think to myself, I probably would be crying a lot harder if these carpets were new. But we cheer his successes and still dole out the stickers. Luke has recently gotten into the spirit of potty training himself. Today he peed all over the back of our couch and then asked me for a sticker. Sorry buddy. No sticker for you and I have specific instructions from the pediatrician NOT to potty train an 18 month old. The thought has crossed my mind. Until he peed all over the couch.

This week was Luke's 18 month well check! Only a month late...hey it's summer. There we were waiting for Luke's appointment and my sweet little Noah was pointing at the fish tank yelling, NEMO, then he looks at me with a funny look and proceeds to throw up. Huh? Well needless to say the nurse looks at me and says, who are you here for?? Oh and to make matter's even better we threw up over on the well side, not the sick side. I am pretty sure that I was not the most popular parent that day. Thankfully we got another appointment later in the day, Noah stayed home, and Luke was weighed (75%) and measured (50%). So basically we have a linebacker on our hands because the boy is stocky (professional opinion). It seems that my boys builds are destined for football. I am still rooting for hockey myself...

And lastly.

Noah loves to go to swim class. Noah loves to drive his teacher nuts. Noah apparently likes to push his poor swim mate into the pool. Noah gets in BIG trouble because swim mate was petrified of jumping in. Mother sits mortified and prays the parent's of such swim mate won't start yelling at me. Thankfully those parent's just laughed. Sigh. Oh Noah.

It has been so nice to be home again. Oh and we have grass in our backyard! A big project that my hubby was secretly working on while we were away. We all are looking forward to cooler weather and some outside play time!

Tune in next week.


  1. Oh, it makes me laugh...and I can so relate to the first part of your post. I thought I was going to lose my mind...seriously. It was one of the most trying times, but it passed. Praying it will pass quickly...and I totally agree with Kelly. Said something similar to Jake this week when I found Hugh coloring with a pen all over our couch, "Aren't you glad we haven't replaced these seven year-old couches?" Praying for you guys! Sometimes, it is better to just laugh!

  2. I was going to ask you about the potty training - glad there is progress! Too funny about Luke wanting a sticker! hahaha
