Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This Week...Sept 26 and onwards.

Well it has been a bit of a tough week in the Cassaday household.  If you caught my outburst that I posted, and then promptly deleted, you probably get the drift that I was upset.  Still sort of upset.  But slowly with much prayer, ice cream, and contemplating, things are better.

So what else is happening besides the drama in my head?

Noah is soon to be a preschooler!  Luke has discovered he likes to climb, and Kelly planned a HUGE surprise that I now know about.  Oops.

Kelly and I just got back from the big, did he get in, preschool meeting!  The big meeting that was supposed to happen last week but due to a surgery was pushed to this week.  There were four members of the team, each told us how Noah scored on his standardized testing.  There were colored charts, decisions to be made and papers to sign.  And when it was all said and done, Noah was accepted!  Yay for him.  He will be going three days a week, from 11:30 to 2:00, at the school right behind our house.  We are excited, I told him he was going to preschool and he basically jumped up and down then headed for the front door.  Hard to explain to a three year old that he would have to wait a couple of weeks!  Thankfully this will give me a few weeks to prepare my heart, and get him to start wearing clothes again.  He loves to be free since we started potty training, free to run and be naked.  Great for him, awfully embarrassing for those who come to our door unexpected.

Luke is slightly in love with climbing tables.  Lately I will leave to room to come back and find him standing on top of the table, looking very sweet and angelic.  It seriously makes my heart stop every time I see him there.  He thinks it is a great trick.  Oh and yesterday I found him sitting in our bathroom sink, with the water spilling over, and he was happily playing away.  Oh Luke.  You may be short and husky for your age but somehow you can hoist those chubby little legs up and proceed to do things I never thought you would do.  By the way I know where you are learning these things from.

And my sweet hubby is taking me away!  Yippee.  It is our 5th wedding anniversary on the 7 of October, and we are going to Las Vegas for a few days.  He had it all planned out, and somehow things slipped (he is awful at keeping secrets), and I found out.  Oh and just to add some more excitement to the mix, my parent's are flying in to watch the boys and then hang out for 10 days.  How much fun!  Is it bad that the one thing I truly look forward to while we are there is sleeping in and eating/sitting in a restaurant for more than 20 minutes?

Viva Las Vegas!



  1. Have a great time celebrating!and the blog looks lovely! So pretty!

  2. Yay for all of the above! Eat a loooong dinner in Vegas....please!! :)
