Saturday, March 3, 2012

A time to share...

the big move....again.

I may have posted about this last year?  I can't quite remember but we moved our boys in together sometime last year and rather quickly moved them back to their own rooms.  I was not pregnant at the time so there seemed to be nothing pressing having them in the same room.  We just thought it would be cute.  But cute it was not, more like a nightmare that lasted for a month until we ended it.  And then we all started sleeping through the night again...

But there is something pressing this time.  So alas we try it again.

So far we are into night four and things are fantastic!!  Fantastic that is if you are Luke and Noah who every night get to party it up by yelling and jumping on their beds.  Then wake up at a nice early hour just to resume the party!  In the midst of it though, as Kelly pointed out, there is a sweetness to it.  Usually it start's with Luke shouting, NOAH, and then we hear Noah answer, Yes Yuke?  And then Luke will jabber on, and then they both laugh hysterically. It is fun to hear them enjoy one another.  But it is too bad we have plan's to squash the party atmosphere.  For now we listen and enjoy their newfound joy in yelling each other's names all night.

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