Friday, September 30, 2011

Swiper stop Swiping!

I love Noah.  He makes me laugh.  And sometimes the laughter is after the embarrassment has worn off...

Last week we were able to meet up with Stephanie and baby Addie for a play date.  I chose the spot, Chik fil a, because I knew my boys would mostly be busy playing in their playground and then we could, finger's crossed, visit a bit.  Also I was hoping for Addie holding time.

We were sitting and visiting outside the play area, the boys were inside, love that it is virtually sound proof.  And Noah come's up to our table obviously eating something he was enjoying, and since all the food that I had for them was on our table, and he had not been at our table for a while, I got suspicious.  Um, Noah where did you get that food from?  Good thing about Noah is he will be very honest.  As he is enjoying whatever is in his mouth, he goes over to a table with a very stunned looking Dad and his daughter, sitting there.

Oh no.

So I asked, did my son eat something off of your table????  From the look on his face I knew he had, he sort of stammered and said, um, he came up to our table and took a huge scoop of the fruit salad and ate it.

Oh Noah.

Well I offered to buy him another.  He graciously said it was okay.  I so wish I had a camera because the look on that poor man's face was camera worthy.  I tried to explain to Noah that taking food from someone else's table was poor etiquette.  I am hoping he understood (please, please, please).  To make matters even more embarrassing is that later back in the play area Luke basically could not stop hugging this same man's little daughter.  I tried to keep him away but he was in love with her, he especially loved her pigtails, eventually the older brother (who's salad Noah had swiped) came over and told Luke off.  It was hilarious.  Big brother trying to tell a one year old, hey that's my sister!  Stop hugging her!  All I could think was that poor Dad, probably had this nice quiet day planned out with his kids and then the Cassaday boy's arrive.


1 comment:

  1. Oh do I KNOW the feeling of awkward moments when you know this is a teachable moment but you are speechless. You are hilarious and your narration is perfect. As if I was there! :)
