Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby 3...

31 weeks along!!

I am looking forward to meeting our sweet baby boy.  This pregnancy has been full of many wonderful moments...minus my feet swelling and heart burn, I have truly enjoyed this pregnancy.  And knowing that baby's are a lot easier to care for inside than out!  But that being said I also look forward to finally holding this one AND being on the other side of a c-section...

So c-sections.  I have been having numerous dreams about c-sections.  Hey I have been having crazy dreams all along...this is the pregnancy for dreaming I guess.  Last two pregnancies I don't remember one dream I had?  This time I have had surgeries everywhere (and I don't exaggerate; I am not sure if having a baby at Starbucks would be considered a sterile environment but then again I could always order a frappucino afterwards, very convenient!!)  I have even had a surgery where half way through I decided I didn't like the hospital so we packed up and headed to a different one!  That was a super elaborate dream that I woke up from thinking...oh my.  I am for sure asking for calming drugs beforehand!  As for my other dreams...well I did get a coffee date with Matt Damon.  Which was quite a nice break from my crazy c-section dreams.  Kelly asked me why he wasn't invited.  Sorry but it's Matt Damon.  And quite honestly I can't remember much from that dream except a lot of people came up to ask for autographs.  Which became very annoying since it was MY coffee date dream.

But our delivery date is officially set for this baby.  If all goes according to plan we will be having another sweet boy on June 18th, a Monday morning, at 7am!  My doctor was thrilled, she likes getting Monday morning slots, and said, hey by noon you can even have some lunch!  I should have mentioned the Starbucks dream, maybe that could include a fru fru coffee drink as well!!




  1. You are hilarious! Praying for you and baby and your brood of boys! :)

  2. Ah, you make me laugh. You are going to rock this c-section! Can't wait for another sweet boy!
