Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Switch


A few nights ago our boys started sharing a room. And it went off without a hitch. And then night two came along, ugh...but they have surprised us with how well they do go down. Lights may go on and off, we may hear a bit of giggling, and some screaming, but for the most part night time is no different than usual. Yay!

Mornings are a different story. We are working on that one because no one in this household (Kelly and I) want to wake up at five. And who want's grumpy kids all day because they haven't slept? No me!


  1. That was an "interesting" transition for us as well but they get so used to it that they end up loving being together! :) So what do you do about nap time? I still separate my boys because it's just not a hill I choose to die on. :)

  2. Yay! So what goes in the other room? hmmmm ;)I'm not trying to spread rumors!
