Saturday, June 9, 2012

Noah's 4th Birthday!

This was the year that Noah was excited about celebrating his birthday.  He has never quite gotten into the spirit of things like he did this year.  We talked about his blue cake, and his shark shorts, and him swimming with his friends for weeks prior (my fault for bringing it up:0).  But it was so fun.  Fun to plan together and have him telling everyone from his Grandma to some random person at the grocery store about his blue cake...

Here are some pictures of the day.

I really didn't take many!  Thankfully other's did...

Each year our number one pick for Noah's birthday is at Grandpa's and Grandma's house.  It might just be what we do each year seeing that he is born in the middle of May!  We had our usual swim party, friends and families over to swim and cake!  Happy fourth Birthday!

Other celebrations:

Preschool: Noah is known for his love of chocolate pudding.  So while trying to think of a good snack for him to share with his preschool friends the subject of chocolate pudding came up.  Perfect!!  I sent him with chocolate pudding, worms and crushed cookies.  He came home with a chocolate mouth, a happy smile and a birthday hat!  Lucky boy.

May 18th:  Birthday's around here start with a favorite breakfast.  For Noah that is whipped cream!  And a blueberry pancake.  We also hosted play group this day; what a fun way to spend our day.  We had so much fun having friends over, playing outside and eating popsicles.  Thank you friends for sharing this day with us!  As for the remainder of the day we had a few presents after his favorite dinner, hamburgers, and early to bed.

And for Dad and Mom?  Amazing to think we now are parent's to a four year old boy.

He sure has grown lately, he looks so tall and big boy to me these days.  He is hovering around the 90 percentile for both height and weight.  His check up went well this year, minus the four shots at the end (so cruel), but he did great with them.  Me?  I cried while watching.   We still have many reasons to continue speech, OT, and possibly PT with him.  He is taking a while to catch up developmentally. I have struggled watching him falter, Noah has not struggled at all, he is happy, content and adaptive.  I have much to learn from our sweet Noah!

Happy Birthday buddy!




  1. That boy's smile can brighten anything. I seriously find reasons to say hi to Noah just so I can see his smile! Love it!
