Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Less than two weeks....

You know things are getting serious when your OB says to you; only one more visit....oh yikes.  That is right, we have less than two weeks until c-section date.  Two weeks for me to gear myself up for surgery, meeting Hudson, and entering again into newborn hood.  I am excited, and nervous, and so looking forward to being on the other side of surgery.  Have I mentioned it freaks me out?

Today I got to spill my fears to my OB.  I wish I had some form of restraint in this area, but she did ask, and so I told her.  First I asked her what type of drug I should be asking for that will make me not freak out and yell at the nurse.  Seriously I yelled at the nurse last time.  I also told her how much I disliked the nurse because while I was yelling that I COULD NOT BREATHE, she calmly told me, actually you can breathe it just doesn't feel like you can.  Point taken, and then things got fuzzy (enter drug induced stage by said nurse I yelled at).  So I said to my OB why not put me in that drug induced stage like right now? I am sure by that time in my dramatic retelling of my c-section that she was ready to give me something...even if it was a tic tac masked as a calming drug.  She, thankfully refraining from rolling her eyes, proceeded to tell me that most drugs that are for anxiety like that are not good for your baby.  That they can give me something after baby is born but seriously I am way past sanity by that point, there would be no use giving me anything.  So basically she says, you can look at the monitor and watch your oxygen level so you know you are fine...and quite honestly it's going to happen whether you want it to or not.   Great.

So two weeks left.  Two weeks to gain some sort of sanity.

On the flip side, only two weeks until we meet our sweet little one.  Remind me of that when I am recounting my crazy fears.  Because it is all worth the craziness to meet our sweet boy....


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! Will be praying for your sanity and for all the support you can get in the weeks/months to come! Love you Pom-Pom.
